Saturday, January 30, 2010

Such is Suchi : A penchant for cleaning!

S(h)uchitra----Well, she has an insatiable liking for cleaning, dusting, and anything remotely connected to spick and span! She's a spinster and this suits her--she can keep bossing over all the poor innocent kids that enter her house. She is always examining some kid's mouth to see if all her twenty-odd teeth are brushed properly, or looking deep into some kid's ears--ear-wax you see!! You can constantly hear her yelling at her nephews and nieces--"Hey, your left foot's outer corner has a brown spot--go wash it well" or "Don't scratch your head before cutting your nails" or " I can see 1/10th of a mm nail on your thumb, go and cut it off--oh! Wait! I shall do that for you".
Other than these personal grooming supervision of all the kids in the house and outside, she has other idiosyncrasies as well--she always wears her dresses at flood level--that's always a few inches much above her ankles--she says that this is to prevent any dirt from soiling the hemline!
She keeps sweeping off invisible dust from every surface atleast a hundred times a day! She must have microscope lenses fitted instead of ordinary human eyes. When she's around, we can forget our cleaning chores--she takes care...only problem is that she gives us too a once over everytime! Whether we pass muster is anyone's guess!!!!
She has to redo any cleaning after anyone does a job, just to be sure that the job has been done neatly--so why bother--we just dedicate all our brooms, dusters, washcloths, sponges and brushes to her cleaning prowess and delegate her to do all these important chores! Phew!! No sweat--it's unclean!

Singhing : ( #2)--Mr.Singh

Mr.Singh : Mr. Singh, a family friend of ours--a lot to be learnt from him. He is a selfless person. He has been visiting us every Sunday from the past many years. He does not demand anything of us--not even our time when he visits us. He just sits in his favorite chair and stays for some time, gives us an account of his kids, grandkids and also plays with any kids he sees around--and off he leaves. He has never complained that no one cares to visit him. He doesn't accuse anyone of any bad behavior. He always has something strange or sweet in his bag--just so that he can offer it to any kid he sees during his visits--he spends his weekend this way, visiting all his friends--probably just being in the company of friends gives him a high.
He never fails to remember birthdays, wedding days, and wishes every friend of his on all those days and during festivals. We, on the other hand pretend to be too busy to wish anyone any day!!
But if there is some day when it's our special day, or it's a Sunday, and there is no news from Mr. Singh, we feel his absence and say--Mr. Singh, MISS-Singh!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

A longer post..........Fascinations!

Snakes, elephants and monkeys--what do they have in common? Apart from the fact that they are all living creatures? They have a human-being fascinated by them! Yes, me. Add to these babies and flowers too!

Different people have different objects that fascinate them. I shall try to describe one person per day and what I found fascinating about them and their fascinations.
Names have been changed for my protection!

1. Radha: This character is very fascinating---she loves to read about all heinous crimes in newspapers--murders, rape, suicide, cheating, smuggling, death, automobile accidents, diseases and of course the obituary columns---mind you, all other news escape her crime-fascinated brain! She hardly knows what an ipod is or whether blueberries have anti-oxidants. She can't but help give detailed reports about what she reads to anyone who cares to listen to her---I call her 'The Criminal'

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

simple hobby

There was a time when there was no TV ---we used to just stand at crossroads, note down the reg.numbers of all the vehicles passing by--scooters, cars, buses, trucks....and time did fly! Never bothered about UV exposure either. No sunscreen lotions, not even 'fair and lovely'. :)

My first observation----not random of course

Scarlett O'Hara is the most true to life character I've seen--and an optimist at that. Her "tomorrow is another day" line is my favorite. :)


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